Welcome to Joe Pool Lake
Joe Pool Lake is a beautiful 7,400 acre lake in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. This lake is located in the cities Grand Prarie, Cedar Hill and Mansfield, Texas. Joe Pool Lake is great for fishing, skiing, relaxing, and recrational boating. There are several nice beaches, campgrounds, parks, hiking and biking trails, kayaking trails and other outdoor activities.
The three major parks on Joe Pool Lake are Cedar Hill State Park, Loyd Park, and Lynn Creek Park. Both Cedar Hill State Park and Loyd Park offer up great options for overnight camping and very nice beaches. Lynn Creek Park does not have camping, but does have the nicest beach and swimming area on the lake. Lynn Creek Park is also home to the Blue Sunshine Patio Bar & Grill which is great for on the water dining.
Joe Pool Lake is great for fishing. Fish species on the lake include largemouth bass, white bass, white crappie, and channel catfish. We recommend fishing the hydrilla in the coves and submerged pond areas when fishing for largemouth bass. Joe Pool Lake is one of the most popular lakes in Dallas-Fort Worth. This beautiful lake is full of things to do for families, fishermen, and outdoorsmen. Have fun and remember that life is better on the water.

Fishing tips and regulations for Joe Pool Lake.